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Only 1

Only one person needs to have AIR App Mobile in order to share information. Just scan, connect and  network.

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AIR App Mobile is available and functional with iOS as well as Android phones and tablets.

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No APP Needed

You don't need the app to share information. Your QR links to a browser and displays all your information.

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Customer Service

Issues? Questions? Suggestions? Use our extensive FAQ list or contact us.

3 Easy Steps to Start Networking Now

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Register & Login

Create your account with basic demographics. Now login and begin to create your AIR App Mobile Profile.

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Create & Curate

Create your profile specific to you, your company or employees. Add all social medias, payment methods and portfolios you want your colleagues and clients to have.

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Share & Network

Now it's time to get out there. Share your QR-Code with the world. Share your networking information in seconds and make yourself available for everyone.


Download AIR Today

AIR App Mobile is more than just a digital business card. It is a Networking Management App. Bridging the gaps in networking from person to opportunity. Increasing the expanse of business relationships, services, branding and marketing.


Leah C.

Amazing app! I literally put my QR code on everything for our marketing. My and my company’s social medias have gotten a significant amount of followers and engagement since Air App Mobile was implemented. Very quick with responding to contact forms also.

James L

I’ve been a licensed insurance agent as well as a licensed realtor for the past 13 years and I can tell you for certain this app is the most creative way to bridge the gap between b2b and c2b. I can give my information to anyone and everyone instantly. And to say the app has paid for itself dozens of times over is an understatement. Do yourself a favor and don’t miss out.

Anthony W

I work as a personal trainer both at a gym and free lance and this app definitely helps me get my name and my brand out there. With the word of mouth I get and the sharing of my QR code with clients, who share with their friends, it’s amazing. And the service request system amplifies my pipeline without doing anything. Its great, it’s like having a digital business development team.

Isabella R

AIR App Mobile is great. It not only helps me professionally but I am able to get double and triple the amount of sponsors when I have fights now. Has made it to where I have professional partnerships in my workforce career and MMA.

Maya A-L.

Im a graphic designer and this is amazing for me. I get referrals and service requests from people across the country essentially without doing anything. For me and my industry the opportunities are almost endless and it will only get better with the more people that sign on.

Harry B.

I originally subscribed to the free version of the app but upgraded pretty shortly after. I work in the sales industry and the service request feature is amazing because I get leads and referrals on a pretty consistent basis now.


Become an AIR Ambassador

Our mission is to connect AIR users throughout the globe and you can be a part of that team! Apply to be an Affiliated Ambassador with AIR App and start earning extra profits today!